Best Air-Cleaning Plants, According to NASA

As homes become more insulated and efficient, they also make it easier to trap indoor air pollutants. Chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia can come from household items and pollute your home’s atmosphere without any visual warning. Neglecting the quality of the air you breathe on a daily basis could result in serious consequences. Illness,…

10 Reasons To Have A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Every Room Of Your Home

You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan salt lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it. Looking to buy a Himalayan salt…

Unexpected Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract

Scientists have isolated the unique molecule that provides olive oil with its multitude of health and life-extending benefits. Known as oleuropein, it is the polyphenol that can help lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure, prevent cancer, protect against oxidative damage, and help guard against cognitive decline.1,2 Oleuropein provides the distinctive tangy, pungent, almost bitter flavor found in high quality…

10 Health Benefits and Uses For Miso

I often introduce miso in my cooking classes or recommend its use for healing diets. As it is not a common American food staple, I often find that people are reluctant to pay for a tub of miso that will sit in the back of their refrigerator for most of eternity. Coming to embrace the…

12 Signs Your Health Problems Are Actually Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Could your health problems actually be magnesium deficiency symptoms? The symptoms can be anything from headaches to PMS.   Chances are you may deficient in this mineral as according toNatural News, more than 80% of the population is not getting enough magnesium. Low magnesium is often over looked, especially by doctors who rarely consider the role…

Spring Clean Your Diet

Best of Spring Spring has arrived, and with longer days and warmer weather comes a new crop of fresh produce. ‘Tis the perfect season to “spring clean” your diet, so out with the heavy fall and winter fare and in with springtime fruits and veggies. In-season produce reaps the most nutritional value so here’s what…